Smalls Road Public School

Telephone02 8260 7700

Contacting staff

Home Communicating with School

Clear communication between home and school is vital. For confidential or personal matters setting a time to meet with your child’s teacher is important so that matters / concerns are clearly communicated and understood by both parties. Teachers have a duty of care to students and are not able to discuss matters with parents whilst they should be supervising / teaching students. This means the morning and afternoon bell time is not an appropriate time to discuss important matters with your child’s teacher. To ensure time is allocated please organise a time to meet with your child’s teacher. The most efficient way to do this is to send an email to with your teachers name in the subject line. The teacher will then call you to set up a time that is suitable.

If you have non-personal information to communicate to your child’s teacher an email or hand written note may be all that is needed to clearly communicate with the teacher.

School Communicating with Home

Families and school are busy. Clear communication helps eliminate frustrations and misunderstanding. We endeavour to communicate in a timely and accurate manner. Systems the school uses to communicate with families are;

Face-to-face meetings

* teacher will set up a meeting if they are concerned about learning, behaviour, social  interactions

* school information sessions

Sentral Parent Portal - school calendar, newsletters, student absences, students reports, school announcements, interview bookings, class announcements (from teacher to parents), messages (between staff and parents)

Email – payment notices, individual / group email when needed

School website – general school information, newsletter, updated photos of school events